Now that winter is finally upon us, it is important that people take care of themselves, their homes and their gardens. Winter can pose many problems if you are not properly prepared. Most people understand the importance of ensuring their home is care for, perhaps lagging pipes and making sure that there are no cracks or gaps in windows. However, do people how to best care for trees in winter?
Milder winters are not necessarily good news for gardeners as they may prevent the protective deep dormancy common in many trees and shrubs. This increases their susceptibility to frost and scorch caused by cold winds or sudden cold snaps.
However, on the plus side, the mild winters experienced in recent years have led to better survival of more tender plants, increasing the range of species available to gardeners.
Take action at the first sign of frost At the very first sign of frost in winter, it is sensible to place a protective wrapping down and around trees. Even something simple like a windbreaker may provide protection and help to keep your trees in good condition.
Of course, it is extremely hard to tell what condition trees are in just by looking at them. Many trees look healthy on the outside but could be rotten on the inside. The only way to judge the true condition and health of a tree is to have a professional look after it.
At South East Trees, we have attended many properties where the trees looked fantastic on the outside, only to be in poor condition. With winter weather conditions, trees are at risk, and loose limbs or branches may cause significant problems. It is important to minimise the likelihood of damage to property or people and caring for trees is part of the process.
Climate change has impacted on some areas There is no denying that many people have concerns about climate change and even if we were to experience milder winters, there is no guarantee that this would be better for trees and shrubs. This is because milder winters would lessen the protective deep dormancy that is fund in a lot of trees and shrubs. This is an important feature as it protects trees and shrubs from frost and scorch which can occur in cold winds and cold snaps.
However, there may be positive aspects of more mild winters. In recent years, the survival rate of many plants has improved, and gardeners have had access to a wider range of species. Changing conditions and climates pose fresh problems but if people react to these issues, there should be no long-term problems.
At South East Trees, we know that people have concerned about their garden in winter. Hopefully, these tips and ideas will allow you to carry out work in your garden that protects your favourite plants, trees and bushes. However, we know that these are challenges which are beyond the skills of the average gardener.
If you are looking for support in caring for trees and plants in your garden, please get in touch and we will be delighted to help.